Saturday, December 4, 2010

A week ago...

I can't believe a week has gone by since Tanner's second birthday. All week I have been meaning to post a few things about my sweet little two year old...I mean, we do have some "terrible two" moments, but who wants to hear about those? So, I will just list a few things about what the Tanman is doing at 2-
* Still loving tractors, trucks, and trains... a little obsession.
* Loves to be outside!
* Enjoys playing with his toys...he is also very good at entertaining his self, which is nice at times.
* Really enjoys movies...he still loves Cars, Mickey Mouse Road Rally, Thomas the Train, How to Train Your Dragon, & has just started enjoying Toy Story.
* Loves for us to read books to him and also likes to sit and look at them by himself... A lot of times I go to check on him in his room and he is sitting on his little sofa reading a book!
* Enjoys putting puzzles together.
* Loves to count to 10 and sing the ABC song! - You can understand him really well these days.
* He has been in a toddler bed for a little over a month now...when he wakes up he walks to our room. He loves to sit with Brian to go to sleep because they watch hunting shows and fall asleep in the big chair together.
* Loves his mid-day nap time.
* Is very talkative and energetic!
* Loves his little friends at school and church, loves our neighborhood friends, and absolutely loves being spoiled by grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins!
* There are so many other things I can think of that just bring a smile to my face...I hope I don't ever forget any of these precious moments because time does go too fast.

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