Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 months until...

I am TWO!
Yes, it will be here before we know it, so Momma wants to type a little something because she doesn't want to forget a thing for years to come....here she goes.

Lots of emotions. Little boy, you are growing up too fast.
The days are flying by and it is beyond fun to watch you learn something new at each new stage you go through.
That's what you are supposed to do...grow, learn, and fascinate us everyday.
You are a true blessing and a joy to everyone you meet.
Momma (as you call me these days, stressing the "a") and Daddy love you more than ever.
You are determined and that is why we know that you will make it very far in life.
You are smart, curious, and have a love for tractors and lawnmowers that I did not even know existed.
In these next four months, I look forward to seeing you continue to grow.
Little man, the big TWO is going to be so fabulous, but I want you to take your time getting there...Love you sweet boy.

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